Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Will this be how a magazine moves with the times?

This is another interesting take on what magazine digital editions might look like on a iPad or similar. There's a long way between now and this concept, but it's hard to see how this kind of cover, driven by a video loop, mocked up by California photographer Jesse Rosten and published in TechCrunch, wouldn't appeal to a great many readers.
on Vimeo.

Transcontinental Media lauches first issue of business digest bimonthly Premium

Transcontinental Media has launched Premium, a bimonthly business intelligence magazine associated with Les Affairs Group (publishers of Les Affaires and Affaires Plus magazines). 

The March-April issue is 92 pages and, following the model promised in December, contains French adaptations of feature articles from other publications such as the Harvard Business Review, Strategy+ Business, Rotman

Quill & Quire magazine turns 75

Quill & Quire magazine, which has covered the book and library trade for 75 years, is celebrating its diamond jubilee. The publication, owned by St. Joseph Media, is using its anniversary issue to examine how Indigo is making its bold move into the global e-book wars with Kobo, and publishing insiders talk about what the industry can do to remain vital in the future.

Folio: magazine mostly swallows sister publication Audience Development

Although both titles will maintain their own websites and e-mail newsletters, Folio: magazine and its sister publication Audience Development (nee Circulation Management) are being merged by their publisher, Red 7 Media. Audience Development, had recently been cut back and polybagged quarterly along with Folio:.This, according to a posting on the website DM News. There is also now a section

Sunrise Cycles

Our boy Joey Castillo from QOTSA and his super sweet HD Evo built by Sunrise Cycles and painted by Scott Craig. Look for it in Issue 33!


Dan 'Twig' Twigden is over in LA right now and he just scored this mental Nova, the Aussies back home are going to love it mate.

I Would Like To Think

That you are looking at this blog and reading Dice because you are a fan of small home grown independent magazines, right? At least I hope you are. No publishing house corporate bullshit here let me tell you. Anyways, there are a few of us out there. We are all grateful for your support, it's how we survive. The internet will most certainly not kill us off, not now and not in the future, no matter what some people will tell you. I have 2 personal favourites. This is one of them, GKM, issue 14 out now


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We try....

...not to do too many 70's/80's chopper magazine scans on this blog 'cos, well, I don't know, lots of reasons really. But this is rad, for lots of reasons really.

Quote, unquote: On different strokes

“It’s O.K., I guess. But magazines will never die because there is a visceral feeling of having that thing in your hands and turning the pages. It’s so different on the screen. It’s the difference between looking at a woman and having sex with her.”-- Legendary art director George Lois, quoted in the March 22 New York Observer when asked what he thought about reading a magazine on an iPad.

CRTC approves takeover of Vision TV by Zoomer magazine publisher

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today approved the $29 million takeover of the multifaith television channel Vision TV by Moses Znaimer's ZoomerMedia Limited, which owns Zoomer magazine.  The decision means that in a series of steps, ownership will be transferred for the specialty television service VisionTV, the Category 1 specialty

Print Measurement Bureau topline results, spring 2010

[This post has been updated]The spring Print Measurement Bureau data has been published. Here are the top 10 Canadian magazines by total readership and by readers-per-copy (RPC):
Top 10 English magazines by readership ('000s)
Reader's Digest 6,360
Canadian Living 3,979
Chatelaine 3,562
People 3,542
what's cooking 3,541
Canadian Geographic

Apple puts roadblock in way of selling digital magazines on iTunes

Wired magazine is reporting that Apple has amended the conditions of its terms of service for iTunes software that, in effect, would make it impossible for users to buy digital or "in-app" subscriptions to magazines. 
Apple prohibits the gifting of “in-app purchases, in-app subscriptions, [and] upgrades” which means you can’t buy someone virtual goods within an iPhone or iPad app. So you won’t

Monday, March 29, 2010

Quote, unquote: Is the iPad today's CD-Rom?

"I can’t wait to play around with this. But I don’t see myself rushing to pay for repurposed paper magazines and newspapers sprinkled with a few audio-visual doodads. That didn’t fly with CD-ROMs and it won’t fly on the iPad." -- Blogger Scott Rosenberg (one of the original founders of Salon) considering a comparison between the (largely unfulfilled) promise of CD-ROM in 1994 and the unknown

Men's Fashion launches spring edition

The men's fashion line extension that Fashion magazine launched last fall has apparently shown good enough results that a second edition of Men's Fashion is being published this spring. Men represent some 21% of Fashion's total readership and 150,000 copies of the targetted edition (featuring James Franco on the cover)  is being distributed through major newspapers starting April 9. In addition,

Riding Motorbikes In Oakland

Here are a few of Troys pics shot at the hangover ride and party last weekend in Oakland. I like riding motorbikes, these pictures make me want to ride my motorbike.

Get Down Tonite

"Hi Matt, Dan down here in San Diego. I saw a few pictures you put up on your guys' blog of the '70's vans , and so i thought you should have these pictures. Just some van down the street from where i live. Bitchin'
Feel free to use them if you want. GET DOWN TONIGHT"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Starweek magazine requires subscribers to pay 50 cents a week

Changing times are evident in the redesign and re-launch of television magazine Starweek in the Toronto Star. Henceforth, subscribers have to opt in for the TV guide and agree to be billed 50 cents a week for it (about $26 a year), in addition to the normal subscription cost of the paper. 

Newspaper box and other single copies (which already cost more than home delivery) will continue to include

Friday, March 26, 2010

Gasser Lounge Bike Night

is tomorrow. It's in Redondo Beach CA, the weather is great, the parking is easy, the beer is cheap, the music rocks and hey, it's So Cal. What do you mean you live on the other side of the country or not even in the USA and might not be able to make it??!! that's really no excuse

"4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul"....I like that

Overhauled, rebranded Canada's History magazine offers readers digital "try before you buy"

As a promotion of its redesign, rebranding (from The Beaver) and overhaul of its website, Canada's History magazine is making a "try before you buy" offer, making available a free digital sample issue to potential subscribers, for a limited time.  The offer is made possible  since the magazine has become part of Digital Newsstand, a joint venture between Magazines Canada and the digital services

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Magazines on iPad likely to charge at, or close, to newsstand price; or maybe not

Word on the street is that the Wall Street Journal is going to charge $17.99 a month to access its content on an iPad. But of more interest to readers of this blog is that it is widely expected that subscribers who want to read magazines on the tablet will be offered weekly, or monthly terms that closely relate to what a single copy buyer pays on the newsstand, according to a story on the blog

Magazine world view: Worldcolor on a roll; Garden & Gun back from brink; Telegraph prospers on land sales

Worldcolor signs a multi-year agreement to print Cosmopolitan and other Hearst books
Garden & Gun: back from the brink and in the hunt for an Ellie (Folio:)
USPS moves a step closer to five-day delivery (Folio:)
Skiff (Hearst) partners with Samsung for e-reading services (Folio:)
Telegraph Media Group profits by land sales and print deals (Guardian)
Guardian dominates Orwell prize shortlist (

New team at Chatelaine reminiscent of the late Wish

After a raft of dismissals across the editorial team, Chatelaine's editor Jane Francisco has gathered some familiar faces around her, including several senior people from the editorial team at the late Wish magazine (St. Joseph Media). Francisco was the editor of Wish when it was folded and moved to Style at Home last June, then jumped to Chatelaine in November.  

Laurie Jennings, who was Wish's

Interactive marketing salary survey

The Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (IABC) has published the results of its first salary survey of agencies and publishers working in the interactive marketing industry. The results suggest that web-related work pays somewhat better than traditional work associated with magazines. For example, here are the quoted salary ranges for editorial people with 5-7 years of experience:Editor in

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Issue 31...Out Now!

Yes! Its here! And its available to all of you lucky lucky people!! The new Twighlight movie, 'New Moon', on DVD!
Oh yeah and the new issue of DicE is out too! Result!
If you don't already subscribe...DO know you want to!

Twisty Turny...

You know when you're on your bike and you feel like giving it you lean over a little more in the corners and twist on the accelerator a little harder...yeah...Its good innit?!
In celebration of those good times we bring you the new DicE Twist Grip Pocket Tee! Get one now people!!...Erm...I mean...Pretty Please!

U.S. publishers wonder if their magazines will stand up to the "droop test"

Magazine publishers in the U.S. -- particularly those whose recession-hit magazines are a bit thin for lack of advertising -- are concerned about whether or not they will pass the U.S. Postal Service's "droop test", also called "deflection standards". According to a story in Audience Development, American Business Media (which represents b2b publishers) says the penalties will be severe, starting

VP public affairs at Quebecor Media moved to new, unspecified, position

The vice president public affairs for Quebecor Media, Isabelle Dessureault, is being replaced and her duties are being added to those of Serge Sasseville, the company's vice president, corporate and institutional Affairs, effective the end of May. Dessureault will be moving to unspecified "new challenges" with the company, according to a company release. She has been with the organization since

CNN anchor John Roberts to give keynote at Atlantic Journalism Awards

The Atlantic Journalism Awards (AJA) are getting both media glamour (and great teeth) with their guest speaker at this year's awards: John Roberts of CNN's flagship morning program American Morning. The 29th Atlantic Journalism Awards gala will be presented at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, on Saturday, May 8, 2010. Based in New York,  Roberts was a well-known Canadian broadcaster and

AMPA Showcase awards made to Western Living, techlife and Where Calgary

Alberta Magazine Publishers Association (AMPA) honoured its own on the weekend with its Showcase awards presented at the 14th annual conference. Sponsored by Transcontinental, the awards were selected from nearly 100 submissions from AMPA members. The judging was by a panel that included the conference's keynote speaker, Ina Salz, former art director of Time, Worth and Golf magazines.Western

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Hangover Ride

in Nor Cal is always going to be a good time. These pics are the kick off on Sunday morning.

Oakland Lovers

Yes, yes we love Oakland. What a party, loads and loads of the best bikes you are ever likely to see, great people, fantastic music and a killer bar. What more could you ask for? Apart from an apperance by Liberace on the piano keys of course, but I digress. Big love to Max for getting the Merchants Saloon to have us back again and for sorting out the hangover ride the following day, many thanks bruv. My, what a brilliant weekend it was.