Monday, July 18, 2011

Issue 39!

…I’m writing this as me and Max are driving from Los Angeles to Denver for the launch party of this very issue and the excellent ‘Love Thy Chopper’ show. We are somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert. No shit…we really are! I know it all sounds a bit fear and loathing…and it is, except we don’t have a car full of drugs, instead we in a pick up truck packed to the gills with magazines, merch and 2 leaky Panheads in the back. As we hurtle down the 15 Freeway heading east Bob Dylan is singing about how you can… ‘Have your cake and eat it too’… and he is absolutely right! I’m high on life right now just thinking about the moment we dump this wretched truck, jump on our 2 wheeled freedom machines and live life to the full in this glorious year of 2011…
DicE Issue 39 is here!

Our good friend Michael Schmidt presented us with this absolutely amazing cover and all I can say is…A touch of glam? A touch of genius is more like it! It’s pure ‘60s Vogue chic with a sprinkle of biker style glitz.

Also inside you will find the ‘Deadend Magazine’ insert and it’s the first time ever that our friends in Salinas have done a paper print version of their fantastic magazine! That’s right, it’s only available in DicE #39! 2 mags for the price of one?! again?! cor blimey!!

Hold on bruv, what? You don’t bleedin’ subscribe??!!! No mate, say it ain’t so! Sign up today geez!

It was Dave Vanian that quite rightly said…
“I gotta feelin’ inside a me, it’s kinda strange like a stormy sea, I don’t know why I don’t know why, I guess these things have gotta be….”
And how right he was. Jonathan is a member of the Sonora, California based motorcycle club ‘The Death Traps’. We have wanted his wheelie poppin’ Shovelhead in DicE since the first time we saw it at the El Diablo Run #2. We are hyped that it's finally gracing our pages!

Cole Foster built a thing called ‘The Sex Chair’…it looks a lot like a medieval torture device. Apparently it works quite well even if it does look super hokey. This is his Panhead.

Ian Patrick Barry and his team at Falcon Motorcycles have done it yet again and pushed the boat out on style and creativity. We bring you their incredible ‘Black Falcon’ Vincent.
Pic: Michael Schmidt.

I think I was about 13 when that Madonna record came out where people were freaking and saying stuff like.. “Holy shit tickets, if you play it backwards you can hear her tell people to worship Satan!”…and… “If you buy that record your house will burn down!”…and that kind of crap. It was actually my dad that summed it all up quite nicely when he said… “I just wish she would go back to wearing the red lipstick and metal cones on her tits.” Amen to that Dad.
Pic: Light Speed Photos.

Kim Boyle’s Panhead is a work of art, it has so many killer details that it takes hours of staring at it to take it all in. Combine a beautiful bike like this with the beautiful photos by Mr. Schmidt and…Whammo!
Pic: Michael Schmidt.

AJ is a member of the WKITHOK and he refers to us as the ‘2 homos at DicE.’ We refer to him as ‘Our mental friend from NYC.’
We like him a lot.
Pic: Cicero Deguzman Jr.

We were very lucky indeed to meet Scott and Dixie a few months ago at the fantastic Dixie Round Up show in Alabama. They rode in on this wicked trike…Scott was riding it and Dixie was strapped to his chest, tongue hanging out, very excited and loving every minute of it. Don’t be silly, Dixie is not his wife…it’s his dog! I think it was the Doggles that turned me into a giggling little schoolgirl and I was reminded later that I was jumping and clapping at the same time as soon as I saw them.

Cryptic clue: The Jamaican fella swung some fish.
Answer: De-Trout Spinners.

Benji is brilliant. He is one of my favourite people in the whole wide world. A couple of weeks ago we were hanging out at the Bottrop show in Germany and he was rocking a sweet leather vest. No shirt, just the vest. From 50 yards it looked like we was wearing a black furry long sleeve top….that’s how hairy he is. Real man.
Pic: Chris Sellen.

Our friend Dollbabyeyes had an XS650 once and we were riding back from a show one day when he complained that his bike was vibrating too much. We laughed and told him to stop being such a big girls blouse. When we got home we discovered his exhaust pipes were broken. Oh and his frame was cracked in 2 places…whoops!
Bryan Hall’s XS650 is obviously built a million times better than DBE’s bike.
Pic: Becky Meyers.

The Style Bible is back. Never judge a book by its cover. Always judge an album by its cover though. Chonik choinkersons!!

Christian from Phoenix gets down big time and snaps hard in a 360 tail slide flip bunny organ donor. If you don’t understand it, it’s a skateboard term, so get with the program.
Pic: Coalition Imagery

The Cafés in England are deadly. Everything is deep-fried. All the food is basically a heart attack on a plate. The full English is the mack daddy of all breakfasts and includes…bacon, sausage, beans, eggs, black pudding, bubble n squeak, tomatoes and bread that is also fried. Damn I miss England.

I had the pleasure of drinking with Guy on the Friday night at the Linkert Attack UK. As you can imagine it was insane! I told him to stop drinking but he just wouldn’t! I tried to order a lager shandy and he called me a ‘Nonce.’ I couldn’t just let that go could I? So I ordered a Stella top and told him drink a pint of water in between every half of Cider he drank. He didn’t listen.
Pic: Gareth Buddo.

Look at this photo. Nicke is in the sidecar. Nobody is on the bike. He is at speed. There are trees either side of him and there is a road not that far away in the distance. That’s why I love him so much.
Pic: Robin Nilssen.

Brian Buscemi is from Texas and runs with the infamous Vice Grip MC. Nice! Say no more.

Dr. Glory. Total Fucking Toss Pot.

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